法官拒绝了证交会关于制裁Elon Musk的请求,因为他丢失了法庭下令的证言。 Judge rejects SEC's request to sanction Elon Musk for missing a court-ordered deposition.
San Francisco的一位联邦法官驳回了证交会关于制裁Elon Musk的请求, 因为他失踪了与证交会调查其440亿美元Twitter收购案有关的法庭命令证词。 A federal judge in San Francisco has rejected the SEC's request to sanction Elon Musk for missing a court-ordered deposition related to the SEC's investigation into his $44 billion Twitter acquisition. Jacqueline Scott Corley法官裁定,在Musk于10月作证并同意支付2 923美元的差旅费后,制裁是不必要的。 Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley ruled that sanctions were unnecessary after Musk provided testimony in October and agreed to pay $2,923 in travel costs. SEC正在调查Musk是否违反证券法, 推迟披露他在2022年初在Twitter上购买的股票。 The SEC is investigating whether Musk violated securities laws by delaying the disclosure of his Twitter stock purchases in early 2022.