Jocelynn Munro, 17岁,来自密歇根州,自星期二起失踪,可能位于印第安纳州南本德。 Jocelynn Munro, a 17-year-old from Michigan, has been missing since Tuesday and may be in South Bend, Indiana.
Jocelynn Munro, 17岁,来自密歇根日内瓦镇镇,最后一次见到她是在她家,时间是星期二下午9时,此后一直没有联系。 Jocelynn Munro, a 17-year-old from Geneva Township, Michigan, was last seen at her home on Tuesday at 9 p.m. and has not been in contact since. 她被描述为5尺3寸的黑棕头发和蓝眼睛的女性。 She is described as a 5'3" female with dark brown hair and blue eyes. 当局认为她可能在印第安纳州南本德地区 Authorities believe she may be in the South Bend, Indiana area. Van Buren县治安官办公室索要任何信息,可联系269-657-3101,或Silent观察员269-343-2100。 The Van Buren County Sheriff's Office requests any information and can be reached at 269-657-3101 or Silent Observer at 269-343-2100.