INRSC-2W在阿萨姆具有挑战性的地形中举行其最后一轮资格考试,即NEMA Guwahati Sprint Rally。 The INRSC-2W holds its final qualifying round, The NEMA Guwahati Sprint Rally, in Assam's challenging terrain.
FMSCI 印地安人全国两轮车冲刺锦标赛(INRSC)于星期日在阿萨姆州古瓦哈提举行东区回合,名称是NEMA Guwahati冲刺赛。 The FMSCI Indian National Rally Sprint Championship (INRSC) for two-wheelers is holding its East Zone round in Guwahati, Assam, on Sunday, named The NEMA Guwahati Sprint Rally. 在离古瓦哈提60公里的PRP山谷,来自印度东北部的大约80名参与者将通过具有挑战性的山地进行竞争。 At the PRP Valley, 60 kilometers from Guwahati, around 80 participants from Northeast India will compete through challenging hilly terrain. 这项活动是INRSC-2W的最后一轮资格考试,同时还为当地青年单独举办了一个冲刺支持赛。 This event is the final qualifying round for the INRSC-2W, with a separate Sprint Support Rally for local youth also taking place. 12月14日至15日,本季最后一回合将在浦那举行。 The season's final round will be in Pune on December 14-15.