印度财政部长呼吁将印度打上以可持续性为重点的“负责任的资本主义”的烙印。 India's Finance Minister calls for branding India as a "Responsible Capitalist" with a focus on sustainability.
印度财政部长Nirmala Sitharaman呼吁将印度打上“负责任的资本主义国家”的烙印, 强调可持续的生活和道德实践。 Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman called for branding India as a "Responsible Capitalist" nation, emphasizing sustainable living and ethical practices. 她强调需要制定全球标准,并提议设立“Bharat FDA”,以确保食品和药物安全。 She highlighted the need for global standards and proposed a "Bharat FDA" to ensure food and drug safety. Sitharaman还强调整合印度的科学遗产,将印度定位为技术和可持续性方面的领先国家。 Sitharaman also stressed integrating India's scientific heritage to position the country as a leader in technology and sustainability.