印度和欧盟就绿色氢合作达成协议,重点是基础设施和技术。 India and EU agree on green hydrogen cooperation, focusing on infrastructure and technology.
印度和欧盟已最后确定绿色氢合作路线图,重点是基础设施、技术和供应链。 India and the EU have finalized a roadmap for green hydrogen cooperation, focusing on infrastructure, technology, and supply chain. 这项协定是在布鲁塞尔举行的第十次印度-欧盟能源小组会议上达成的,也把离岸风能、区域连通性、电力市场和能源效率列为优先事项。 This agreement, made at the 10th India-EU Energy Panel meeting in Brussels, also prioritizes offshore wind, regional connectivity, electricity markets, and energy efficiency. 双方都完成了51项联合倡议,并承诺对清洁能源进行长期研究。 Both sides completed 51 joint initiatives and committed to long-term research in clean energy.