影片中捕捉到一只章鱼在不列颠哥伦比亚省附近的炸弹旋风中与极端的海浪作战. Footage captures octopus battling extreme waves during a bomb cyclone off British Columbia.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省海岸附近的炸弹气旋中,一只巨大的太平洋章鱼被摄像机捕捉到,它努力保持附着在岩石上。 A giant Pacific octopus was caught on camera struggling to stay attached to rocks during a bomb cyclone off the coast of British Columbia. 暴风雨的波浪高达10米高,海流比平时强三倍,11月20日袭击了该地区。 The storm, with waves up to 10 meters high and currents three times stronger than normal, hit the area on November 20. 加拿大海洋网络所录制的这段录像据信是第一个拍摄这种事件,展示极端天气对海洋生物的影响。 The footage, recorded by Ocean Networks Canada, is believed to be the first to capture such an event, showcasing the impact of extreme weather on marine life.