Electric Royalties 以 C$3.5M 的价格购买了智利的铜矿特许权使用费,寄希望于不断增长的铜需求。 Electric Royalties buys a copper mine royalty in Chile for C$3.5M, banking on rising copper demand.
Electric Royalties Ltd. 已同意支付 350 万加元,以 0.75% 的总收入特许权使用费收购智利 Punitaqui 铜矿。 Electric Royalties Ltd. has agreed to pay C$3.5 million for a 0.75% gross revenue royalty on the Punitaqui copper mine in Chile. 该矿自2010年起投入使用,装备齐全,拥有附近资源、基础设施和许可证。 The mine, operational since 2010, is well-equipped with nearby resources, infrastructure, and permits. 在清洁能源和AI数据中心扩张的驱动下,全球对铜的需求不断上升,从中获益,电力使用权将购买视为一项战略举措。 Electric Royalties views the acquisition as a strategic move benefiting from the rising global demand for copper, driven by clean energy and AI data center expansions.