Corinne Rose Abosamra, 33岁, 死在密歇根州肯特伍德的一个储藏室里, 在一次可疑的火灾后被发现。 Corinne Rose Abosamra, 33, found dead in a Kentwood, Michigan, storage unit after a fire of suspicious origin.
11月7日发生火灾后,一名33岁的妇女Corinne Rose Abosamra(原籍Ann Arbor)被确认为受害人,在密歇根州肯特伍德的一处储藏室中被发现死亡。 A 33-year-old woman, Corinne Rose Abosamra, originally from Ann Arbor, was identified as the victim found dead in a storage unit in Kentwood, Michigan, following a fire on November 7. 火灾的起因在单位内,但其原因仍未确定。 The fire's origin was within the unit, but its cause remains undetermined. 体检报告尚待提交,调查被视为可疑。 The medical examiner's report is pending, and the investigation is considered suspicious.