英国航空公司因在社交媒体上分享Liam Payne的身体运输细节而吊销雇员职务。 British Airways suspends employee for sharing details of Liam Payne's body transport on social media.
据称,一名英国航空公司空姐在社交媒体上分享了已故歌手Liam Payne尸体的运输细节后,被停职。 A British Airways flight attendant has been suspended after allegedly sharing details about transporting the body of deceased singer Liam Payne on social media. 据报告,这名雇员透露Payne的棺材及其家人正在从布宜诺斯艾利斯返回的航班上,这违反了航空公司的隐私权政策。 The employee reportedly violated the airline's privacy policies by revealing that Payne's coffin and his family were on the flight returning from Buenos Aires. 英国航空公司正在调查这起事件。 British Airways is investigating the incident.