Bayelsa的州长批准为每个来自该州在全国学习的法学院学生提供30万奈拉的补助金。 Bayelsa's governor approves N300,000 grants for each law student from the state studying nationwide.
Bayelsa州州长Douye Diri批准了一笔30万奈拉的补助金,供尼日利亚全国各所国立学校的每个法律学生使用。 Bayelsa State Governor Douye Diri has approved a N300,000 grant for each law student from the state attending schools across Nigeria. 该赠款旨在支持学术追求,改善学生福利,减轻经济困难。 The grant aims to support academic pursuits, improve student welfare, and ease economic hardships. 总检察长Biriyai Dambo SAN代表州长与学生代表会晤,学生代表对这一举措表示感谢。 Attorney-General Biriyai Dambo SAN represented the governor at the meeting with student representatives, who expressed gratitude for the initiative.