一辆Nissan Qashqai与一辆Nissan Qashqai在Northumberland公路上撞车后,一名70岁的妇女死亡。 A 70-year-old woman died after her car collided with a Nissan Qashqai on a Northumberland road.
一名70岁的妇女于星期四在诺森伯兰邦特兰附近的A696号A696号公路上撞上福特·菲斯特和尼桑·卡什盖(Nissan Qashqai)后死亡。 A 70-year-old woman died after a collision between her Ford Fiesta and a Nissan Qashqai on the A696 near Ponteland, Northumberland, on Thursday. 80多岁的Nissan Qashqai男子驾驶员因严重但无生命威胁的伤而住院治疗。 The male driver of the Nissan Qashqai, in his 80s, was hospitalized with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. 这条道路暂时关闭,但此后重新开放。 The road was temporarily closed but has since reopened. Northumbria警方正在调查并寻找证人和破摄像头录像。 Northumbria Police are investigating and seeking witnesses and dashcam footage.