两名嫌疑人因在休斯敦谋杀罗伯特·博伊德和达里尔·刘易斯而被捕。 Two suspects are arrested for the capital murder of Robert Boyd and Darryl Lewis in Houston.
两名嫌犯Noble Lawrence和Desundre Whitfield因绑架和枪杀Robert Boyd(47岁)和Darryl Lewis(27岁)于2023年10月8日在2023年10月8日在西南休斯敦的水牛高速公路上被发现而被捕,并被指控犯有杀人罪。 Two suspects, Noble Lawrence and Desundre Whitfield, have been arrested and charged with capital murder for the kidnapping and shooting deaths of Robert Boyd, 47, and Darryl Lewis, 27, found on Buffalo Speedway in southwest Houston on October 8, 2023. 那天早些时候 Boyd和Lewis在Ashford Meadow大道被绑架 Boyd and Lewis were kidnapped earlier that day from Ashford Meadow Drive. Whitfield于2024年6月被捕,Lawrence于2024年11月19日被拘留。 Whitfield was arrested in June 2024, and Lawrence was taken into custody on November 19, 2024.