泰雅诺明星Bobby Pulido 30年后 从音乐退休 2026年竞选公职 Tejano star Bobby Pulido, after 30 years, retires from music to run for office in 2026.
Tejano音乐明星Bobby Pulido(拉丁格莱美奖得主)宣布在30年职业生涯结束后退出音乐, Tejano music star Bobby Pulido, a Latin Grammy winner, announced his retirement from music after a 30-year career, set to embark on a farewell tour in 2025. Pulido还透露了2026年竞选公职的计划,尽管他没有说明该职位或政党。 Pulido also revealed plans to run for public office in 2026, though he has not specified the office or political party. 在Rio Grande Valley举行的记者招待会上宣布, 他鼓励粉丝关注他在社交媒体上的最新消息。 The announcement was made during a press conference in the Rio Grande Valley, where he encouraged fans to follow his updates on social media.