Romualdez议长为了拯救帮助低收入菲律宾人的AKAP计划, Speaker Romualdez fights to save AKAP program, which aids low-income Filipinos, from Senate defunding in 2025 budget.
议长Martin Romualdez正在争取在2025年预算中为 " Ayuda sa Kapos ang Kita方案 " (AKAP)提供资金。 Speaker Martin Romualdez is fighting to keep the Ayuda sa Kapos ang Kita Program (AKAP) funded in the 2025 budget. 该方案向400多万低收入菲律宾人提供援助,一次性现金援助为3 000至5 000菲律宾比索,但正面临参议院的取消资助。 The program, which assists over four million low-income Filipinos with one-time cash aid of P3,000 to P5,000, faces defunding by the Senate. Romualdez认为,AKAP通过帮助消费者支出支持经济增长。 Romualdez argues that AKAP supports economic growth by aiding consumer spending. 众议院在2025年为AKAP在2025年拨款390亿比索,但参议院计划取消这笔资金。 The House has allocated P39 billion for AKAP in 2025, but the Senate plans to remove this funding.