SL绿色房地产公司提供大约506万股,每股79美元,所得收益供公司使用。 SL Green Realty Corp. is offering about 5.06 million shares at $79 each, with proceeds for corporate uses.
SL Green不动产公司是曼哈顿办事处的主要房东,它宣布向公众出售价值约为506万股的股票,每股79美元。 SL Green Realty Corp., a major Manhattan office landlord, has announced the pricing of a public offering of about 5.06 million shares at $79 each. 承保人可以选择再购买多达759,493份的股份。 The underwriters have an option to buy up to 759,493 more shares. 预计于11月25日结束,收益将用于公司的一般用途,包括投资和偿还债务。 Expected to close on November 25, the proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, including investments and debt repayment.