科学家通过分析大脑活动 找到一种预测城市地区偏好的方法。 Scientists find a way to predict city area preferences by analyzing brain activity.
密歇根州立大学的研究人员发现了一种通过分析大脑活动来预测城市访问的方法,特别是在腹内侧前额叶皮层中。 Researchers from Michigan State University have discovered a method to predict urban visits by analyzing brain activity, specifically in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. 大脑的这个区域与决策相关联,可以表明某些城市地区的偏好。 This area of the brain is linked to decision-making and can indicate preferences for certain city areas. 研究结果可能使城市规划发生革命性变化,使城市环境更符合人类行为和福祉。 The findings could revolutionize city planning, making urban environments more aligned with human behavior and well-being.