旁遮普省警察拆散了一个军火走私集团,逮捕了6人,并没收了10支手枪,包括3支Glock手枪。 Punjab Police broke up an arms smuggling ring, arresting six and seizing ten pistols, including three Glocks.
旁遮普省警察已解散了跨境武器走私行动,逮捕了6人,没收了10支手枪,包括3支9毫米Glock手枪。 Punjab Police have dismantled a trans-border arms smuggling operation, arresting six individuals and seizing ten pistols, including three 9mm Glock pistols. 走私团伙使用无人驾驶飞机和其他方法,由一名外国偷运者协助。 The smuggling ring used drones and other methods, facilitated by a foreign-based smuggler. 目前正在进行进一步调查,以建立更多的联系并收缴更多的武器。 Further investigations are ongoing to establish additional connections and recover more weapons. 根据《军火法》登记了两起案件。 Two cases have been registered under the Arms Act.