诉讼挑战夏威夷禁止18-20岁人拥有枪支, Lawsuit challenges Hawaii's ban on gun ownership for 18-20-year-olds, citing Second Amendment rights.
在火奴鲁鲁诉火奴鲁鲁案中提起的诉讼对夏威夷禁止18至20岁者拥有枪支的做法提出质疑,认为这种做法违反了第二修正案规定的权利。 A lawsuit filed in Honolulu challenges Hawaii's ban on gun ownership for those aged 18 to 20, arguing it violates Second Amendment rights. 原告,包括两名未成年人和枪支交易商,声称这项禁令违宪,因为18-20岁的人可以投票和在军队服役。 The plaintiffs, including two minors and gun dealers, claim the ban is unconstitutional, as 18-20-year-olds can vote and serve in the military. 该案是继美国最高法院一项确认为自卫而携带火器的权利的裁决之后发生的。 The case follows a U.S. Supreme Court decision affirming the right to carry firearms for self-defense. 这是完全禁止为这一年龄组购买火器的唯一国家。 This is the only state with a complete ban on firearm acquisition for this age group.