Lauren Simon, 土耳其手术失败的受害者, 在曼彻斯特机场带头抗议不安全的外国化妆品外科手术。 Lauren Simon, victim of botched Turkey surgery, leads protest at Manchester Airport against unsafe foreign cosmetic surgeries.
柴郡明星劳伦·西蒙 (Lauren Simon) 是土耳其乳房手术失败的受害者,她在曼彻斯特机场领导了一场示威活动,与“美容十字军”一起警告不要在国外进行廉价的整容手术。 Real Housewives of Cheshire star Lauren Simon, a victim of botched breast surgery in Turkey, led a demonstration at Manchester Airport with 'Cosmetic Crusaders' to warn against cheap cosmetic surgeries abroad. Simon和Pall Mall Medical呼吁更严格管理社交媒体广告及提高公众意识。 Simon and Pall Mall Medical call for tighter regulations on social media ads and better public awareness. 自2019年以来,有28名英国人因海外手续并发症而死亡,每名接受善后护理的病人需花费9 000英镑以上的国家保健服务。 Since 2019, 28 Britons have died from complications of overseas procedures, costing the NHS over £9,000 per patient for aftercare.