由于大雨,“我是名人”的澳大利亚营地可能面临洪水,有可能导致演出中断。 "I'm A Celebrity" faces potential flooding at its Australian camp due to heavy rains, risking show disruptions.
由于暴雨, 电视节目"我是名人"的驻扎地在澳大利亚斯普林布鲁克国家公园面临洪水风险. The TV show "I'm A Celebrity" is facing flooding risks at its camp in Springbrook National Park, Australia, due to heavy rains. 当地企业已经关闭, 节目的组织者正在努力 管理这种情况。 Local businesses have closed, and the show's organizers are working to manage the situation. 尽管对附近河流可能发生洪水的天气警告,但演出的试验没有受到影响。 Despite weather warnings for potential flooding from nearby rivers, the show's trials have not been affected. 2021年,类似的洪水风险导致参赛者疏散。 In 2021, similar flood risks led to contestants being evacuated. 11月25日时, 节目可能会受到干扰, 但预计未来一周天气会更明朗, The show may face disruptions through November 25, but clearer weather is expected in the coming week.