加纳警官在录像显示他殴打带手铐的平民后被停职。 Ghana police officer suspended after video shows him assaulting handcuffed civilian.
加纳金枪鱼警察局的下士Baba Amando Ibrahim在视频显示他攻击一名带手铐的平民后被暂时停职。 Detective Corporal Baba Amando Ibrahim of Ghana's Tuna Police Station has been temporarily suspended after a viral video showed him assaulting a handcuffed civilian. 加纳警察局正在对该事件进行彻底调查。 The Ghana Police Service is conducting a thorough investigation into the incident. 警察总监与受害人的家人联系,提供支持,并指示地区指挥官与他们合作。 The Inspector General of Police has reached out to the victim's family, offering support and directing the regional commander to collaborate with them.