Felicia Welch在3岁的儿子掉进CBD口香糖的“coma类”状态后被捕。 Felicia Welch arrested after her 3-year-old son fell into a "coma-like" state from CBD gummies.
Felicia Welch, 41岁,在她3岁的儿子因消费大量《生物多样性公约》口香糖而住院“类似”的状态下被捕,并被指控对一名青少年实施二级虐待。 Felicia Welch, 41, was arrested and charged with second-degree cruelty to a juvenile after her 3-year-old son was hospitalized in a "coma-like" state from consuming a large amount of CBD gummies. 最初,韦尔奇并不打算带他去医院,但他最终被送进了重症监护室,此后已经完全康复。 Initially, Welch did not intend to take him to the hospital, but he was eventually admitted to an ICU and has since fully recovered. 孩子现在在另一家,有可能对Welch提出更多指控。 The child is now in another home, and more charges against Welch are possible.