Katherine Hutson副警长和她的女儿 死于休斯顿凯蒂高速公路多车撞车事故 Deputy Katherine Hutson and her daughter died in a multi-vehicle crash on Houston's Katy Freeway.
46岁的Katherine Hutson 和她女儿Kacey 8-10岁 在休斯顿凯蒂高速公路上 于星期五早晨 死于三辆汽车失事中 Harris County Deputy Constable Katherine Hutson, 46, and her daughter, Kacey, aged 8-10, died in a fiery three-vehicle crash on Houston's Katy Freeway early Friday morning. 这次坠机涉及Hutson的汽车、一辆Mazda车和一辆停靠的公用卡车,导致IH-610附近的西行道关闭数小时。 The crash, which involved Hutson's car, a Mazda, and a parked utility truck, led to the closure of the westbound lanes near IH-610 for several hours. 休斯顿警察局正在进行调查,地区检察官办公室正在考虑刑事指控。 The Houston Police Department is investigating, and the District Attorney's Office is considering criminal charges. 这次坠机事故对马兹达的一名工人和一名乘客造成无生命威胁的伤害。 The crash resulted in non-life-threatening injuries to a worker and a passenger in the Mazda.