女性演员Khushbu Sundar表示反对印度国际电影节的影片骚扰。 Actress Khushbu Sundar speaks out against film set harassment at India’s International Film Festival.
女演员和政治家Khushbu Sundar分享了在果阿的印度国际电影节演讲期间对一部电影片段进行骚扰的个人经历。 Actress and politician Khushbu Sundar shared a personal experience of harassment on a film set during a speech at the International Film Festival of India in Goa. 她促请妇女大声疾呼反对虐待,并强调安全和自尊的重要性。 She urged women to speak up against mistreatment and emphasized the importance of safety and self-respect. Sundar以其直言不讳而著称,她也讨论了在她的职业生涯和个人生活中解决虐待问题的挑战。 Sundar, known for her outspokenness, also discussed the challenges of addressing abuse, both in her career and personal life.