演员Vishal Aditya Singh揭发了他与Shweta Tiwari结婚的假照片。 Actor Vishal Aditya Singh debunks viral fake photos of his supposed marriage to Shweta Tiwari.
印度演员Vishal Aditya Singh否认他与女演员Shweta Tiwari结婚的照片是“可耻的”和“捏造的”。 Indian actor Vishal Aditya Singh has dismissed viral, morphed wedding photos showing him married to actress Shweta Tiwari as "humorous" and "fabricated." 但Vishal澄清说, 他和Shweta是亲密的朋友, 他称她为“妈妈”。 The altered photos sparked online speculation, but Vishal clarified that he and Shweta are close friends, with him calling her "mom." 尽管他们过去在电视上有浪漫关系,但他们没有结婚,也没有受到虚假图像的影响。 Despite their past romantic connection on TV, they are not married and are not affected by the false images.