在费城,一个50岁的老人在争端后枪杀了年迈的邻居,然后自杀。 In Philadelphia, a 50-year-old man shot his elderly neighbors after a dispute and then committed suicide.
在费城的西橡树巷, 一场邻里纠纷以悲剧告终, 一名50岁的男子枪杀了年迈的邻居 — — 一名77岁的男子和一名76岁的妇女从杂货店回来, In Philadelphia's West Oak Lane, a neighborhood dispute ended in tragedy when a 50-year-old man shot his elderly neighbors—a 77-year-old man and a 76-year-old woman returning from grocery shopping—and then took his own life. 警方在星期三下午4时左右对枪声作出反应。 Police responded to gunshots around 4 p.m. on Wednesday. 该妇女后来在医院死亡。 The woman died later in the hospital. 该事件正在调查之中,当局正在调查双方争端的历史。 The incident is under investigation, with authorities looking into a history of disputes between the parties.