明尼苏达州在跨性别纪念日的国会守夜期间 向两名变性妇女致敬 Minnesota honors two slain transgender women at a Capitol vigil during Transgender Day of Remembrance.
明尼苏达州议会举行跨性别纪念日守夜活动, 悼念今年遇害的两名变性妇女。 Minnesota held a Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil at the state Capitol, honoring two transgender women killed this year. 包括明尼苏达州外Front的Kat Rohn在内的发言者强调了社区的复原力,并面临新政府的政治挑战。 Speakers, including Kat Rohn from OutFront Minnesota, highlighted the community's resilience and faced political challenges under new administrations. 计划在全州举办各种活动,纪念因暴力而失去的变性人,并安排演出、讨论和守夜活动。 Various events across the state are planned to remember transgender individuals lost to violence, with performances, discussions, and vigils scheduled.