Milan's Via Monte Napolene's Via Monte Napolene胜过纽约市第五大道, 成为世界上最漂亮的购物街。 Milan's Via Monte Napoleone surpasses NYC's Fifth Avenue as world's priciest shopping street.
Milan's Via Monte Napolene已经成为世界上最昂贵的购物街, 超过纽约第五大道。 Milan's Via Monte Napoleone has become the world's most expensive shopping street, overtaking New York's Fifth Avenue. 蒙特·拿破仑大道租金每平方英尺上涨11%至2 047美元,而第五大道租金仍为每平方英尺2 000美元。 Rents on Via Monte Napoleone increased 11% to $2,047 per square foot, while Fifth Avenue's rents remained flat at $2,000 per square foot. 这一转变归因于米兰的高需求和有限的供应,其驱动因素是奢侈型旅游繁荣以及对高净值个人实行税收奖励。 The shift is attributed to high demand and limited supply in Milan, driven by a luxury tourism boom and tax incentives for high-net-worth individuals.