伦敦是世界第10年最好的城市, 领先于纽约和巴黎. London ranks as the world's best city for the 10th year, ahead of New York and Paris.
伦敦在2025年世界最佳城市排名中 被Resonance Consultancy 和 Ipsos 排名第10位 连续十年被命名为世界最好的城市。 London has been named the world's best city for the 10th straight year in the World's Best Cities 2025 ranking by Resonance Consultancy and Ipsos. 根据公众看法和诸如可居住性和繁荣等因素,该排名调查了22 000多人。 The ranking, based on public perception and factors like livability and prosperity, surveyed over 22,000 people. 纽约和巴黎跟随伦敦。 New York and Paris followed London. 虽然孟买和德里被认为具有区域优势,但印度城市并没有成为前100名城市的首屈一指。 Indian cities did not make the top 100, though Mumbai and Delhi were noted for regional strengths. 伦敦的顶点在于它的夜生活、机场连通性 以及文化素材 London's top spot is attributed to its nightlife, airport connectivity, and cultural offerings.