在世界儿童节这一天,巴基斯坦承诺在持续的教育和劳工问题中加强儿童权利。 On Universal Children's Day, Pakistan pledges to enhance children's rights amid ongoing education and labor issues.
在 2024 年世界儿童节当天,巴基斯坦领导人重申了他们对儿童权利的承诺,强调了改善教育、医疗保健和保护免受童工侵害的举措。 On Universal Children's Day 2024, Pakistan's leaders reaffirmed their commitment to children's rights, highlighting initiatives to improve education, healthcare, and protection against child labor. 尽管做出了努力,巴基斯坦仍有数百万儿童无法接受教育,并面临危险的工作条件。 Despite efforts, millions of children in Pakistan still lack access to education and face hazardous working conditions. 领导人呼吁家长、教育工作者和政策制定者采取集体行动,确保为儿童的茁壮成长提供安全和支持性的环境。 Leaders called for collective action from parents, educators, and policymakers to ensure a safe and supportive environment for children to thrive.