英国国会议员计划召回Elon Musk, 超越X平台在暴动期间散播错误消息的作用。 UK MPs plan to summon Elon Musk over X platform's role in spreading misinformation during riots.
英国国会议员正计划传唤Elon Musk, 以证明他的社交媒体平台X在近期英国暴动期间传播错误信息的作用。 UK MPs are planning to summon Elon Musk to testify about the role of his social media platform X in spreading misinformation during the recent UK riots. 议会调查还将对Meta和TikTok的主管人员提出质疑,重点是有害和虚假的AI产生的内容的传播。 The parliamentary inquiry will also question executives from Meta and TikTok, focusing on the spread of harmful and false AI-generated content. Musk与英国政府关系紧张, 担心网络假消息对现实世界的影响。 This move comes amid tensions between Musk and the British government, with concerns over the real-world impact of online disinformation.