Tyre Phillips从一个破碎的四头肌中恢复过来 重新加入纽约巨人队的练习队 Tyre Phillips, recovering from a torn quadriceps, re-joins the New York Giants' practice squad.
纽约巨人队重新签约了进攻线人泰尔·菲利普斯, The New York Giants have re-signed offensive lineman Tyre Phillips to their practice squad after he recovered from a torn quadriceps. Phillips是2020年巴尔的摩乌鸦队的第三回合选手, 在进攻线上扮演了除中线以外的所有位置。 Phillips, a third-round pick by the Baltimore Ravens in 2020, has played every position on the offensive line except center. 球队还签下了四分卫蒂姆·博伊尔 (Tim Boyle) 并进行了其他阵容变动,包括释放线卫柯蒂斯·博尔顿 (Curtis Bolton) 和进攻铲球加雷特·格林菲尔德 (Garret Greenfield)。 The team also signed quarterback Tim Boyle and made other roster moves, including releasing linebacker Curtis Bolton and offensive tackle Garret Greenfield.