最高法院给予曼尼普尔八周时间,为有争议的内部线许可制度辩护,以对抗权利挑战。 Supreme Court gives Manipur eight weeks to defend its controversial Inner Line Permit system against rights challenges.
最高法院给曼尼普尔政府八周时间, 回应质疑内线许可制度(ILP)的请愿。 The Supreme Court has given Manipur's government eight weeks to respond to a petition that challenges the Inner Line Permit (ILP) system. 请愿书由Amra Bangali提交, 认为ILP制度限制非土著人的出入境, 侵犯了《印度宪法》规定的基本权利, 并阻碍发展和旅游业。 Filed by Amra Bangali, the petition argues that the ILP system, which restricts entry and exit of non-indigenous people, violates fundamental rights under the Indian Constitution and hampers development and tourism. 印度的阿鲁纳尔邦,米佐拉姆和纳加兰的部分地区也采用了2019年推出的ILP系统. The ILP system, introduced in 2019, is also in force in Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and parts of Nagaland.