哈里王子通过幽默的纹身店短剧和学校节目来宣传温哥华的 2025 年 Invictus Games。 Prince Harry promoted the 2025 Invictus Games in Vancouver with a humorous tattoo shop skit and a school program.
哈里王子在纽约的一家纹身店与乡村音乐家 Jelly Roll 一起参加了一个幽默的小品,以宣传在温哥华和惠斯勒举行的 2025 年永不屈服运动会。 Prince Harry participated in a humorous skit with country musician Jelly Roll at a New York tattoo shop to promote the 2025 Invictus Games in Vancouver and Whistler. 在社交媒体上分享的短剧中,哈利开玩笑地接受了一个模拟纹身。 In the skit, which was shared on social media, Harry playfully received a mock tattoo. Harry 还在温哥华发起了一项学校计划,强调运动的治愈力量。 Harry also launched a school program in Vancouver highlighting the healing power of sports. 本届奥运会定于 2025 年 2 月举行,将引入北欧滑雪和轮椅冰壶等冬季运动。 The games, set for February 2025, will introduce winter sports like Nordic skiing and wheelchair curling.