佐治亚州 I-85 North 的桥梁火灾导致多起车祸,造成一人死亡。 A person died after a bridge fire caused multiple car crashes on I-85 North in Georgia.
星期二晚上9时30分左右,在格鲁吉亚DeKalb县I-85北面发生多起汽车撞车事件后,在桥下发生火灾后,发现一人死亡。 A person was found dead after a fire under a bridge led to multiple car crashes on I-85 North in DeKalb County, Georgia, around 9:30 pm on Tuesday. 据信火灾始于Northcrest公路桥下,由于浓烟和司机心不在焉,造成几起车辆事故。 The fire, believed to have started under the Northcrest Road bridge, caused several vehicle accidents due to heavy smoke and distracted drivers. 虽然没有关于重大受伤的报告,但北I-85的所有车道都暂时关闭,以便进行调查和清理。 While no major injuries were reported, all lanes of I-85 North were temporarily closed for investigation and cleanup. 死者的身份尚未披露。 The identity of the deceased has not been disclosed. 当局建议避开这个区域。 Authorities advised avoiding the area.