新苏格兰喜剧系列"独生子" 在BBC苏格兰首映, 跟随一个男人 支持他的丧偶父亲。 New Scottish comedy series "Only Child" premieres on BBC Scotland, following a man supporting his widowed father.
11月21日在苏格兰BBC苏格兰首映的新苏格兰喜剧系列《独生童》, 跟随演员Richard(Greg McHugh)回家支持最近丧偶的父亲Ken(Gregor Fisher)。 "Only Child," a new Scottish comedy series premiering on BBC Scotland on November 21st, follows actor Richard (Greg McHugh) as he returns home to support his recently widowed father Ken (Gregor Fisher). 六集系列探讨他们的国内挑战和代际差异,由苏格兰和爱尔兰的演员主演。 The six-episode series explores their domestic challenges and intergenerational differences, featuring a cast of Scottish and Irish actors. 节目在BBC iPlayer上可以观看,第二天也在BBC One上播出. Available for binge-watching on BBC iPlayer, the show also airs on BBC One the following day.