Naustin Beardy, 21岁, 被控二级谋杀罪 在刺杀Jamal Miles之后, 23岁, 在一场争吵之后。 Naustin Beardy, 21, charged with second-degree murder after stabbing Jamal Miles, 23, following an altercation.
Naustin William Beardy, 21岁, 被控在11月8日发生激烈的口头争吵后, 在刺杀Jamal Eli Preston Miles(23岁)的二度谋杀罪中, Naustin William Beardy, 21, has been charged with second-degree murder in the stabbing death of Jamal Eli Preston Miles, 23, following a verbal altercation that turned violent on November 8. Beardy在11月18日被捕时,已经在Winnipeg还押中心因不相关的罪名被关押。 Beardy was already in custody at the Winnipeg Remand Centre on unrelated charges when he was arrested on November 18. 事件发生在Dufferin学校附近,调查仍在进行中。 The incident occurred near Dufferin School, and the investigation is ongoing.