亚拉巴马的杰克逊医院面临金融危机,拖欠债券付款,导致领导层更迭和资产销售。 Jackson Hospital in Alabama faces financial crisis, defaulting on bond payments, leading to leadership changes and asset sales.
亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利的杰克逊医院在拖欠6000万美元的债券支付后正面临财政挑战。 Jackson Hospital in Montgomery, Alabama, is facing financial challenges after defaulting on $60 million in bond payments. 首席执行官乔·莱利和首席执行官迈克尔·詹姆斯即将下台 由罗纳德·德雷斯金 命名为临时首席执行官 CEO Joe Riley and COO Michael James are stepping down, with Ronald Dreskin named interim CEO. 医院计划转移Montgomery医院的服务,并出售Jackson Wellness中心,以集中开展核心业务。 The hospital plans to transfer its Hospice of Montgomery service and sell the Jackson Wellness Center to focus on core operations. Allen Wilen被任命为首席重组干事,负责监督医院的重组进程。 Allen Wilen has been appointed as Chief Restructuring Officer to oversee the hospital's restructuring process.