一位80岁的老人因他的的叫声扰乱了邻居, 被罚款200英. An 80-year-old man was fined £200 for his cockerel's noisy crowing that disturbed neighbors.
80岁的男子Harold Brown因没有遵守减税通知而被罚款200英镑,因为他的老二用不断的叫声扰乱邻居。 An 80-year-old man, Harold Brown, was fined £200 for failing to comply with an abatement notice after his cockerel disturbed neighbors with continuous crowing. 鸟儿在一小时半的时间里叫了90次 被邻居称为"酷刑" The bird crowed 90 times in an hour-and-a-half period, described as "torture" by neighbors. 尽管布朗声称噪音更像是"croak", 他在法庭上被判定有罪, 他还必须支付300英镑的法律费用和80英镑的附加费。 Despite Brown's claim that the noise was more of a "croak," he was found guilty in court, and he must also pay £300 in legal costs and an £80 surcharge.