在渥太华Greely的Bank Street被车辆杀害的妇女;警方正在进行调查。 Woman killed by vehicle on Bank Street in Greely, Ottawa; police investigation ongoing.
星期一下午5时15分左右,一名47岁的妇女在渥太华Greely被一辆汽车撞死。 A 47-year-old woman was killed after being struck by a vehicle in Greely, Ottawa, on Monday around 5:15 p.m. 事件发生在公园路以南的Bank Street。 The incident happened on Bank Street, south of Parkway Road. 该名妇女在现场被宣布死亡。 The woman was pronounced dead at the scene. 渥太华警方正在调查并寻找与该事件有关的任何证人或破片片段。 Ottawa Police are investigating and seeking any witnesses or dashcam footage related to the incident.