爱尔兰Clare的M18上两次事故造成交通混乱, Two accidents on the M18 in Clare, Ireland, have caused traffic chaos, with one crash sending three to the hospital.
在爱尔兰克莱尔的M18高速公路上发生了两起不同的事故,造成交通严重中断。 Two separate accidents on the M18 motorway in Clare, Ireland, have caused significant traffic disruption. 11号关口发生的更严重的车祸涉及四辆汽车,导致三人被送往医院,伤势不重。 The more serious crash at junction 11 involved four cars and resulted in three people being taken to the hospital with non-serious injuries. 高速公路在该交界处仍然关闭,导致交通集结,机动车司机建议选择其他路线。 The motorway remains closed at that junction, leading to traffic buildup and motorists are advised to take alternative routes.