新南威尔士Appin路的一次卡车事故导致一人死亡,道路被关闭。 A truck accident on Appin Road, New South Wales, led to one death and road closures.
新南威尔士Bli Tops附近的Appin路发生了一起致命的卡车事故,造成一人死亡,另一名卡车司机住院治疗。 A fatal truck accident occurred on Appin Road near Bulli Tops in New South Wales, resulting in one death and another truck driver being hospitalized. 据报,大约在上午10时50分左右发生了这一事件,导致通往西行的交通道路被关闭,向机动车司机建议改道。 The incident, reported around 10:50 am, led to the closure of the road to westbound traffic, with diversions advised for motorists. 应急服务对现场作出了反应,受灾地区被关闭,公众不得进入。 Emergency services responded to the scene, and the affected area was closed off to the public.