泰米尔纳德邦CM批评LIC在网站上拖欠印地语权, 称其为「语言暴政」。 Tamil Nadu CM criticizes LIC for defaulting to Hindi on its website, calling it "linguistic tyranny."
泰米尔纳德邦首席部长 M.K. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. 斯大林批评人寿保险公司(LIC)在其网站上对印地语违约, 称其为“语言暴政”。 Stalin criticized the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) for defaulting to Hindi on its website, calling it a form of "linguistic tyranny." 斯大林和其他领导人要求该网站改用英语并提供泰米尔语,强调必须尊重印度的语言多样性。 Stalin and other leaders demanded the website switch to English and offer Tamil, emphasizing the need to respect India's linguistic diversity. 据LIC称,这是一次技术故障, 已经解决. The LIC attributed the issue to a technical glitch and claimed it had been resolved.