新芬党承诺审查 RTÉ 对冲突的报道,面临因潜在偏见而受到的批评。 Sinn Féin pledges to review RTÉ’s coverage of conflicts, facing criticism over potential bias.
Sin Féin的竞选宣言承诺,如果当选,将审查RTE关于以色列-加沙冲突和其他国际冲突的报导,以保持客观性。 Sinn Féin's election manifesto promises to review RTÉ's coverage of the Israeli-Gaza conflict and other international conflicts for objectivity if elected. 包括Gael参议员Jerry Buttimer和Taoiseach Micheál Martin等批评者认为,这可能会损害RTE的编辑独立性。 Critics, including Fine Gael Senator Jerry Buttimer and Taoiseach Micheál Martin, argue this could compromise RTÉ's editorial independence. 新芬党领袖玛丽·卢·麦克唐纳(Mary Lou McDonald)声称,这项审查将是独立的,不受政治干预。 Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Féin's leader, claims the review would be independent and free from political interference.