冒充邮政工人的人从费城公寓楼偷走包裹。 Man impersonating postal worker steals packages from Philadelphia apartment building.
一名男子在10月23日假扮邮务员, 从一栋公寓楼偷包裹。 Police in Philadelphia are searching for a man who stole packages from an apartment building by impersonating a postal worker on October 23. 监控录像显示疑犯身着USPS服装,在大厅打开包裹,带着被盗物品离开。 Surveillance footage shows the suspect, dressed in USPS clothing, opening packages in the lobby and leaving with stolen items. 嫌犯的身份不明 警方正在询问任何知情人 致电215 -686 -TIPS The suspect's identity is unknown, and police are asking anyone with information to call 215-686-TIPS.