Lindsay Lohan在纽约参加新电影《我们的小秘密》首映仪式。 Lindsay Lohan attends premiere of her new Netflix Christmas movie "Our Little Secret" in New York.
女演员Lindsay Lohan于11月18日在纽约市参加了她的新电影《我们的小秘密》的首映仪式。 Actress Lindsay Lohan attended the premiere of her new Netflix Christmas movie, "Our Little Secret," in New York City on November 18. 罗韩身着透明黑色礼服,与联合主演克里斯汀·切诺维斯 (Kristen Chenoweth) 和伊恩·哈丁 (Ian Harding) 合影。 Dressed in a sheer black gown, Lohan posed with co-stars Kristen Chenoweth and Ian Harding. 影片定于11月27日发布, 紧接着两位前妻在发现现任伴侣是兄弟姐妹后必须一起过圣诞节。 The film, set to release on November 27, follows two exes who must spend Christmas together after discovering their current partners are siblings. Lohan最近成为母亲, Lohan也提到她在即将到来的“Freaky Friday”续集中扮演的角色。 Lohan, who recently became a mother, also mentioned her role in the upcoming "Freaky Friday" sequel.