印第安纳国民警卫队与沙特阿拉伯合作,加强美国安全和外交目标。 Indiana National Guard to partner with Saudi Arabia, enhancing U.S. security and diplomatic goals.
印第安纳州州长Eric Holcomb和Lyles少将宣布,印第安纳国民警卫队将在美国国防部的州伙伴关系方案下与沙特阿拉伯合作。 Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb and Maj. Gen. Lyles announced that the Indiana National Guard will partner with Saudi Arabia under the U.S. Department of Defense's State Partnership Program. 该方案将美国与外国配对,以加强国防和安全合作。 This program pairs U.S. states with foreign nations to enhance defense and security cooperation. 这一伙伴关系将利用印地安那在人道主义援助和救灾方面的专长,支持美国的外交和安全目标。 The partnership will leverage Indiana's expertise in humanitarian aid and disaster relief to support U.S. diplomatic and security goals. 这标志着30年来与106个国家建立的96个伙伴关系之一。 This marks one of 96 partnerships with 106 countries over 30 years.