华卫的HCIE俱乐部欢迎全球超过4 800名新科技专家, Huawei's HCIE Club welcomed over 4,800 new tech experts globally, focusing on digital transformation.
Huawei连接巴黎2024年的活动中,Huawei HCIE俱乐部欢迎来自欧洲和全球的信通技术专家,侧重于网络和存储等技术领域。 At the Huawei Connect Paris 2024 event, Huawei's HCIE Club welcomed ICT experts from Europe and globally, focusing on technology domains like Network and Storage. 自2023年以来,有4 800多名新的HCIE认证专家加入,其中许多专家驻在欧洲。 Over 4,800 new HCIE certified experts have joined since 2023, with many based in Europe. 俱乐部的目的是促进技术专家之间的学习与合作,促进数字转型和采用人工智能和云计算等技术。 The club aims to promote learning and collaboration among technical experts, fostering digital transformation and the adoption of technologies like AI and cloud computing.