FLY91扩大了其网络,从索拉普尔飞往孟买和果阿的新航班从12月23日开始。 FLY91 expands its network with new flights from Solapur to Mumbai and Goa starting Dec 23.
区域航空公司FLY91将从12月23日起开通将索拉普尔与孟买和果阿连通的直接航班,将其网络扩大到九个目的地。 Regional airline FLY91 will launch direct flights connecting Solapur with Mumbai and Goa starting December 23, expanding its network to nine destinations. FLY91成立于3月,根据印度的UDAN计划运作,以改善区域航空连通。 Founded in March, FLY91 operates under India's UDAN scheme to improve regional air connectivity. 新路线将加强贸易和旅游业,使果阿更容易进入,并提升索拉普尔作为工业和朝圣中心的地位。 The new routes will enhance trade and tourism, making Goa more accessible and bolstering Solapur's status as an industrial and pilgrimage center.