迪拜国际机场正按计划于2024年超过9 190万乘客,比2023年增加6.3%。 Dubai International Airport on track to surpass 91.9 million passengers in 2024, a 6.3% increase from 2023.
迪拜国际机场(DXB)在2024年头九个月接待了超过6 860万乘客,有望打破其年度记录,预计到年底将达到9 190万人。 Dubai International Airport (DXB) welcomed over 68.6 million passengers in the first nine months of 2024, on track to break its annual record with an expected 91.9 million by year-end. 与2023年相比,机场的旅客人数增加了6.3%,而2023年是由直接交通增加驱动的,反映出迪拜作为旅游和商业目的地的吸引力越来越大。 The airport has seen a 6.3% growth in passenger numbers compared to 2023, driven by increased direct traffic, reflecting Dubai's growing appeal as a tourist and business destination. 印度仍是最高目的地市场,其次是沙特阿拉伯和联合王国。 India remains the top destination market, followed by Saudi Arabia and the UK. DXB预计最后一个季度将有2 320万游客,主要是假日旅行和与事件有关的旅行。 DXB anticipates 23.2 million visitors in the final quarter, led by holiday and event-related travel.